Business Mentoring & Coaching

Business Mentoring & Coaching


Business mentoring and coaching with Gayle Cattanach. Read full product description for full info.

SKU: businesscoaching Category:


Please complete the contact form below and sign up for the package of interest. Upon receipt, I will set up a FREE, no obligation, 30-minute phone or Skype consultation at a mutually agreeable time to answer any queries you may have and to see if I am the right person for you.

Thereafter please book online and pay for an initial first session that will last one hour. Consultations can be by phone, Skype or face to face just what works best for you.

Upon completion of your first session, you can choose what package works best and book further sessions.

Throughout the process, you will be asked to sign an agreement and be willing to undertake some practical assignments as required.

Additional information


1 hour, 3 hour, Gift Voucher

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